This is a complimentary service offered to ZAMREN member institutions. It is a secure Worldwide roaming access developed for NRENs. It allows students, researchers and staff to seamlessly access the internet connectivity when within range of a hotspot. This can be while roaming on campus or visiting other participating institutions.
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Web & Email Hosting
We offer website and email hosting, a service that allows for member institutions to make their website accessible on the World Wide Web by providing reliable and secure platforms. This enables them to market institutions via the website, provide details such as offered courses, contact details, and many others.

DNS Hosting
ZAMREN offers DNS hosting services which ensure that institutions' websites are reachable and operate efficiently. These services include domain registration and DNS hosting which is a complementary service to all our member institutions.

Federated Identity
ZAMREN offers federated identity, which is a service that enables users of one domain to securely access data or systems of another domain seamlessly. This is available to students, teachers/lecturers external associates, etc. This service operates among member institutions.

Internet Services
We offer dedicated internet service with a 1:1 connection ratio. Our pricing tiers are as follows: Tier 1 covers speeds from 1 to 100 Mbps, Tier 2 offers speeds from 101 to 299 Mbps, and Tier 3 provides speeds above 300 Mbps. Additionally, we extend our internet service to student hostels with a 50/50 cost-sharing proposal for optic fibre installation.
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Colocation Service
ZAMREN allows for its member institutions to host their servers and network equipment in a well-controlled data center. This service is designed to provide dedicated connectivity with an uninterrupted power supply. This service helps to reduce costs for institutions.
To facilitate seamless connection and collaboration ZAMREN offers zoom licenses to its member institutions. This allows for virtual meetings and virtual learning to be conducted, making it suitable for teaching and research purposes.

We offer Moodle services to our member institutions. Moodle is an online learning management system that is used by educational institutions, organizations, and educators to create and manage online courses. Its customization allows for the creation of custom learning environments and enables virtual learning.
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High Performance Computing
We offer Computing Resources of super computers which collectively enable computation and analysis of vast data, remote back up and High-performance computing. Through this service researchers and students have the opportunity to engage in science driven research and contribute to the development of innovative solutions for societal challenges.

Specialized Technical Training
ZAMREN provides training workshops to IT technical staff in member institutions. This service allows member institutions to equip their IT staff with the knowledge to manage their IT infrastructure. This service is provided as and when the need arises.

Cloud Computing
ZAMREN offers cloud computing services to its member institutions allowing access to scalable and on-demand computing resources. This provides them with solutions and reliable infrastructure for applications. This reduces the need for physical infrastructure.