Frequently Asked Questions

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The word ZAMREN is the short form of Zambia Research and Education Network.

ZAMREN offices are located at the address below:

University of Zambia, Great East Road Campus, The ZAMREN House, off Kamloops Road.

There are three types of organizations that we serve at ZAMREN:

  1. Education & Research Institutions: Institutions that carry out educational activities such as Universities, Colleges, Schools and other institutions of learning. This category includes institutions that conduct research.
  2. Communities of Practice: These are bodies that regulate all professionals in the country.
  3. Anchor Institutions: The Institutions that are established to primarily support education in one form or another. Their role is to conduct and manage all examinations for primary, secondary, tertiary and other fields. They also act as a regulatory body of all institutions.
For an institution to be a member of Zamren, first they have to be in one of the categories in (3) above. Complete the registration form then pay the joining and annual subscription fee. Download form

Zamren provides the following services but not limited to:

  1. Internet services
  2. Mail & Web Hosting Services
  3. Eduroam Services
  4. Digital Learning Platform-Moodle
  5. High Performance computing Services
  6. Specialized Technical Training & Assistance

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ZAMREN is a Non-Profit internet service provider and membership-based organization. This means that we are more than an Internet service provider for our member institutions by building capacity through services like Eduroam & technical assistance.

You can get support by contact us on the address in (2) or by contacting us here.

You can speak to any of our member institutions listed here.